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Things can go wrong while you are away, even in a marina.

Here’s the cold, hard truth:
90% of the time, your boat is docked in a marina.

We also own boats, and we, like you, wish that we can spend more time sailing, and less time worrying about our boat while we are away.

The reality is, your boat spends most of her time bumping fenders against the neighbours and waiting for you to return with good weather.

Incidents like fire, water damage, electrical failures, and uncontrolled battery consumption tend to happen, while you are away from your boat.

Sleep at ease, while our sensors monitor your boat.

The Sense4Boat platform enables you to not worry about the safety of your boat, the status of the batteries, and other issues. With our innovative technology, we make sure that even when you are sound asleep, or far away, your boat has someone to call for help.

S4B next generation IoT Sensors monitor major risk factors on your boat. They are economical, easy to install (no wires or electrician required), have their own battery which lasts over 5 years, do not connect to the boat’s electronics and do not void the warranty of the boat.
Made for Smart Captains!


If you require support with one of your sensors follow this link.



Talk to a specialist today +44(0)1829 771792 or Email Envin Scientific

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