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OralChroma gas analysis links tonsillectomy with reduced halitosis

Recent research using the OralChroma gas analysis tool available from Envin Scientific has provided new evidence for a link between tonsillectomy and reduced halitosis by measuring lower concentrations of volatile sulphur compounds in adult and child patients alike.

Chronic tonsillitis has previously been linked with increased halitosis – most commonly known simply as bad breath due to the unpleasant odour associated with the condition. More technically, halitosis can be detected by measuring concentrations of volatile sulphur compounds in expelled breath using a device like the OralChroma gas analysis tool. This simple handheld device from Japanese manufacturer Fis is highly portable and non-invasive, using a sensitive semiconductor to detect parts per billion of VSCs including hydrogen sulphide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulphide.

How does the OralChroma work?

Measurement begins as soon as the patient’s breath is injected into the device via syringe, and is complete in around four minutes, allowing for immediate feedback to the patient and for the OralChroma gas analysis tool to be used again for further patients or repeat analysis. In the case of this latest study, published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, a total of 30 adult participants and 30 children (defined as under the age of 20 in this study) were tested using OralChroma one day before their tonsillectomy, and again at one day, one week and two weeks after their operation. With a total of 240 measurements to take, the total analysis time using OralChroma would have been around 16 hours – a clear indication of how fast analysis can help to keep large scale patient cohorts more manageable.

The researchers found no significant differences in VSCs between adult and paediatric patients; however, they detected a significant drop in halitosis-related VSCs following tonsillectomy. Hydrogen sulphide, methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulphide levels all peaked the day after surgery, but dropped significantly over the following one to two weeks – suggesting that tonsillectomy is an effective way to tackle halitosis and improve bad breath and oral health in chronic tonsillitis patients.

Envin Scientific can supply the Fis OralChroma Halitosis Measuring Device (CHM2) for use in academic research, clinical trials, patient treatment and other applications – contact us today to make an enquiry.